Monday, April 27, 2009

I (heart) My Blog

As do I (heart) the readers of said blogs.


I miss New York. Like, I've been plotting some way to just magically appear there soon. Thank God I've chosen the profession I have -- publishers and agents alike hideout in New York. I see myself going back there A LOT.And no, that isn't one of my NY pictures. This is one of those things I'm thinking of adding to spice up the ol' bloggy blog. Pictures in the blogs. Yay, pictures!


I'm very VERY pleased that soon I can release one of my big secrets to you all. Like, I'm insanely excited. And wish to tell you now...but cannot.


I'm *supposed* to hear back from Mr. Agent-Man by or on Thursday. I'll give him until Monday. Then I shall go crazy with worry. Behold -- Angel the Worried.


I do plan to be more internet-active this summer. I'm going to bust my writerly bum to get out there, not to mention I'm going to start reviewing like a fiend. Everything I read -- BAM! On the review blog. So you all should start spreading the word about my blogging. ;)


Okay, off to watch MORE Dragonball Z and probably read..or something.


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